Workout Wednesday 2/4 – Priorities

I briefly mentioned getting my first F last week.  You can clearly see me stop exercising after that, even though I had a snow day Monday.  While I was home all day Monday, I worked from home, worked on homework for 4+ hours, and made dinner.  There was no time for exercising and the homework never got finished.  I turned in incomplete homework for the class that I only have homework grades and right now they are below 60%.  Yep.

In my list of priorities, school is first.  I don’t know if exercise or work is second.  I think it’s work, just because I can’t unprioritize that.  If I’m not doing well at work, it will be miserable and affect my other priorities.

This week, I did end up going to the gym after class on Tuesday (~8pm) instead of going after work on Wednesday.  I actually like that better because I’m definitely not getting any homework done at 8pm, but I can get in a good work out (and feel better) after my confidence-shattering math class.


  • Pull Ups = still 4 in a row [Goal = 10 in a row] — I think the jump from 4 to 5 is a big one
  • Cardio = 5.61 miles running, 77 minutes cardio, 2 runs
  • Workouts = 4
Thursday 1/29 PT + Yoga I was supposed to do 30 Day Shred, but I saw this yoga video right after I published last week.  It’s a good, relaxing stretch AND an ab workout.
Friday 1/30 PT + Gym 39 minutes, 2.7 miles and 2×10 Pull Ups and Dips at 50 lbs resistance
Saturday 1/31 PT + DVD 30 Day Shred – Stage II – This was a bitch.  So many planks.  Even all the cardio was in plank position.  I was cursing at Jillian Michaels for the full 20 minutes.
Monday 2/2 PT
Tuesday 2/3 Gym 38 minutes, 2.91 miles and 2×10 Pull Ups and Dips at 50 lbs resistance
Wednesday 2/4 PT


Thursday 2/5 PT + Gym Gym – 2 min walk/4 min run for 30 minutes; Pull ups and dips – try to do one set at 40 lbs assistance
Friday 2/6 PT Work, class, date night – 3 year anniversary – so no exercise
Saturday 2/7 PT + Workout For Saturday and Sunday, run outside if possible. Snow is not really permitting that right now.  Poor visibility, bad traction, and lots of ice spell disaster. But if either of these days is okay, I’m getting out there.
Sunday 2/8 PT + Workout 30 Day Shred or 6 Week 6 Pack (or both if too snowy – see day prior)
Monday 2/9 PT
Tuesday 2/10 PT + Gym
Wednesday 2/11 PT + Workout Something on the lighter side that’s scaleable.  Maybe these only 12 exercises you’ll ever need, but just at 1 set of 15.